Saturday, May 8, 2010

What it Means to be a Man

Lately, there's been a rash of millionaires getting caught cheating. Tiger Woods has slept with 43% of America's blonde population and David Boreanaz is sharing Tiger's women. The media is having a field day with it, condemning the men and largely ignoring the women. A lot of guys have been complaining about this supposed unfair treatment. I mean, come on we men are programmed by nature to spread our seed, to choose the primo mate; it's in our DNA! Monogamy is virtually non-existent in nature. It's all part of being a man, we rule the world but have a huge weakness for a willing female.
We can't blame them, these women knew who they were getting involved with. They knew they were married, but they slept with 'em anyways. Everyone's pointing their fingers at Tiger; what about the women? If the women hadn't thrown themselves at Tiger and David Boreanaz, they wouldn't have had the opportunity to cheat, right?
Well maybe so, however, being a man has to do with more than just your hormones. A man doesn't just give in to whatever base instinct strikes us. Being a man means you do what is right even when it's tough. Take Tiger, for example. He's married, to a Swedish bikini model nonetheless. He's on the road, he gets lonely, some golf groupie (do those exist?) comes up and flashes some skin. Quick, what should he do? If you said his only option is to go ahead and have sex with her, you're wrong. You made a vow to your wife and that doesn't dissolve just because you've found another option. The right option is to stand by your wife, even if your buddy's gonna call you a loser for the next couple weeks.
It doesn't matter what your buddy thinks. He'll be the one paying for a divorce because he went after that pretty young thing that said she would love him forever. Now he's broke and she doesn't want him anymore. He'll be the one with the gnawing emptiness from knowing that he threw his life away for a moment and that moment passed.
As a man, you stand by your word. You have a set of a morals and you live by them. This applies to all areas of your life. From your marriage to how you conduct business. With the current mortgage "crisis", a new question is being asked: When is it ok to walk away from your mortgage? Shockingly, the answer to that question is becoming yes more and more frequently. People who decide it's better to skip a few mortgage payments than to live within their means. More men are choosing not to work and not to provide for their families. What happened to the man of the house? He used to work and provide for a roof over their heads, food on the table, and ethics for the children. Now just as often as not, he sits at home, beer in hand while his wife struggles to make ends meet. Through this, he still expects her to respect him as the head of the house when he's relinquished that role in favor of a cold beer.
We need a revival. A revival in manhood. I'm not advocating turning everyone into a bunch burly he-men, but I would like to see us striving for greatness again. The world is going to crap and it's our fault. We no longer show respect to anyone else, and so neither do our kids. We don't follow through on our promises, our commitments, or our word. Look at the kids of today. Our sons are all wannabe thugs and our daughters look like prostitutes. Boys haven't had a good solid male role model in their lives so they're left emulating their favorite rapper or movie star. You look at what they promote on TV and in music and it's all about being tough and nailing as many chicks as you can. Step up to the plate and be the example your kids need.

On a side note: Anyone else find it funny that Big Ben's Beef Jerky has been pulled from the shelves seeing as to how Big Ben's beef has been causing problems...

1 comment:

  1. And right you are Poofy Hair. (Remember that moniker Zak bestowed upon you?) You are absolutely correct that our DNA makes us strive to spread our seed prolifically. But our souls are modified in this modern world to do what's "right". It's a testament to the man who can ignore temptation to be true to his wife, and vice versa. It would hurt me terribly to know I caused my beloved pain by being unfaithful, so ANY pleasure derived from a moment of weakness would linger as shame the rest of my life. My wife has gone through the ringer with me, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for her. So while my primal urges allow me to gaze at beautiful females, my commitment allows me to resist any temptation. I know what it feels like to lose love... I don't ever want to put my love through what I experienced.

    Big Ben's? Sheeit. He ain't got squat on MY beef jerky. Homemade is always better... no preservatives in mine...

    On another note, you are a competent writer. I like how you express yourself. My comments would come more often if I only had the time. Write on hombre WRITE ON!!!
